Difference between divine and devilish scholarships

In this short video Habib Ali Al Jifri differentiates between the scholars rightly guided by Almighty Allah and the scholars  misguided by the damned devil. Generally speaking, this interesting anecdote portrays the traditional sufi scholars on the one hand and the modern extremist scholars on the other. I find for myself a great lesson here, and hope the same for my friends who dare for soul searching. May Allah join us with the true followers of our beloved Master. (Peace and Blessings be upon him). Ameen.

Translation subtitles: “Elders say about a student who was confused wondering which faction he should join? He saw two contradictory factions Claiming affiliation to Quran and Sunnah. So he confused the right group to be joined with. Seeking advice, he went to a holy man. He told the student “Come with me I will show you”

Then he went to the first group and stood upright in the audience. This is a kind of test to know the truth. It was a big class and the lecture was on. The scholar saw them standing and shouted. “Sit down, why are you standing?” He said: “I don’t want to sit in your class” The scholar asked “why?” He said: “I have something against you in my mind” The scholar replied angrily “ I have a thousand things against you. Get out Devil, Don’t disturb our class” The saint told the student “Let us go before they hurt us”

They went to the second group and stood up in the audience. The speaker said: “could you please be seated” See the difference between sit down and please be seated He said: “I don’t want to sit in your class” The scholar: Why? Saint said: “I have something (unfavorable) regarding you in my mind” This scholar felt very humble.He started weeping and said: (Alas!)Inna Lillaah wa inna ilahi Rajioon I repent and seek forgiveness from Allah. He might have some information about my faults (from Almighty Allah). I do regret and repent!” He went on weeping. The holy man turned to the student and rhetorically asked “Which class you would join, Here or There?”

The level of religiousness is manifested in the character of the adherents.If you feel confused as different groups claiming that they are the right one, Just look into their behavioral attributes. Wherever good conducts exist, there exists the religion as well as the knowledge. If such qualities are stripped out, there is no religion and no knowledge at all.
There is no religiousness or knowledge without good conduct. So if religion or knowledge do not yield good conducts and manners to their followers,( it means) there are faults and flaws in their religiosity and learning.”

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